The Forbury Chapel
800 Years in the Heart of the Community
Leominster C of E Team Ministry Offices.
Serving God in Church and Community in 22 local parishes
The Priory Church of St. Peter and St.Paul is part of a group of twenty-two parishes comprising The Leominster Church of England Team Ministry.
Volunteers from Leominster Priory run the Forbury reception, where they welcome visitors, deal with enquiries and manage the booking's diary. Opening times are weekdays 9.30am to 1pm.
Upstairs, the Team Ministry have their offices where they manage Parish matters, and provide support to Parish Churches, printing various Parish Newsletters and providing administrative services, including weddings, baptisms and funerals.

Team Ministry Services
Booking arrangements are made at the Forbury for weddings, funerals and other services across the local Parishes.
For more info about Leominster C of E Team Ministry, visit:
A Member of Churches Together in Leominster

Team Coffee Mornings
Every Friday morning
Situated in the heart of Leominster, The Forbury Chapel is a perfect location for volunteers from the Parish Churches to run community cafes every Friday morning to raise funds for their Parish Churches.
Open to the public, they run from 10am to 12.00 every week.
At the cafes, jams, cakes, pies, chutneys and produce are normally on sale for Parish Churches and other local charities to fundraise.